Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The truths you need to know about real relationships

If you grew up reading a lot of novels  (like I did) and believing all you read, then go through life to act out like all those novels or you watched way too much movies where all the acts where just too 'purr-fect'; do yourself a favour: get a glass of water and splash on your face. Good job. Wake up to reality.
That is part of the problem of some youths. And social media isn't ready to help you. When you're not  careful about these things you become mindful of them and then expect life to play out accordingly. Reality check. Life doesn't.  Welcome to Reality 101.
You read a lot of Enid Blyton where the girls dotted their i's and crossed their t's. Minded their p's  and q's and spoke perfect Queens English to the King's taste. Where they were always there for a friend in need. Or you were a hopeless romantic who gobbled up every bit of any romance novel or movie; and now expect life to turn out like all the 'telemundo' you watch. Again, welcome to Reality 101.
Read up. Life isn't 'telemundo'. It's  not all lovey dovey. Real relationships aren't. These days if you are a damsel in distress waiting for her knight in shinning armour, guuu-rl, you got a veeeery long wait coming. Or you are a grown Lady Bird fan still kissing a truck load of frogs hoping to find her Prince, you need to take a chill pill.
I am not in the least encouraging you to lower your standards or expectations. Not at all. Here's what I am saying: real life relationships ain't a bed of roses. It requires work. Relationship on any level, with whoever. Every relationship. Difference is, some make it easier.
Picture this. A guy goes after a  girl he likes. She likes him back. They get together. He is the first person you speak to at the start of the day (keep that story to yourself. It wasn't God you first spoke to. Well, not 100% of the time. Or was it?)and the last person at the end of the day and every other time in between. " I love you, I love you " begins to sound like a broken record. Gosh! Honeymoon stage never felt so good. You are finally in love. You  chip him in any chance you get gisting with your girls. The world suddenly is so beautiful in you eyes.
Then comes the wedding. And you both start living together. Heck, some don't even get to the wedding stage. And then you wake up every God given day of your life to this person. They REALLY begin to open up and relax around you. That is when the true relationship starts. Where they will mess up where you just cleaned up without the slightest notice. Or when she drops all her airs, and her brows ain't on fleek and she is neither slaying this nor that. You begin to notice what love blinded your eyes to and you begin to get irritated. Not so fast. Wait till the babies start coming.
But hey, rather than tear each other apart by taking yourselves for granted or by abuse of any kind (physical, emotional or psychological)work on yourselves. You can express yourself without judging each other. You can calm yourself before saying anything you will regret afterwards.  Get back to where it all began. I hope you  know what I mean. Sometimes praying for them is the farthest thing on your mind. Pray anyway. This is when the building truly starts. Build yourselves up on every wise. Do not tear down by ignoring, disrespecting or otherwise.  And always remember the grass ain't always greener on the other side. It's what another man or woman built that you are you are enjoying the view. So why not build yours to the 'admiring' of others? Those '50 Years Anniversary' couples you see out there were not a walk in the park. That's why whenever you ask them their secret ingredient(s), though they never say much,they also never miss saying ' patience'.
Same goes for your other relationships too. Kids, family and friends. Good relationships goes through testing times. Any relationship you have goes through it's test of friction at some point and it's not because either of the party is bad.
So mind your grass and make it as green as you want rather than 'long throating' for your neighbour's.

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