Friday, July 22, 2016

Il mio vicini

Okay, that means 'my neighbours'. It is Italian (Gosh! I love Italian language) Thank me now.

I've got these lovely neighbours. They are lovely, even if they sometimes get to behave otherwise. And it's not in me to hate, hardly even dislike. I just can't. So back to my neighbours. I've got gist on them but I will probably take them in parts. They all got something in common though. I have come to realise it's their way of life. They go about their business without minding their business. And me, well somehow it grows on you. And while I go out every morning and exchange either 'buongiorno' or 'guten morgen', they have no idea I am writing about them. Part of how I go about minding my business. See, it does grow on you. I live in a big 'palazzo'. Quite big but exclusively private (what does that even mean?) And no one encroaches on your space except at the parking lot. It's very different from what I have been used to for the most part of my life. But it's cool. I kinda like it.

So I got this neighbour, somewhat opposite me. I am yet to place her face. She is some girl. When she leaves the house and bangs ( she doesn't close) her door, I worry for the building. I'm certain the foundation feels the full effect. She plays the same music everytime. The same Rihanna- Mr Dj- in this time and age. Heck, Rihanna must have forgotten the lyrics to the song herself; and she plays it in an old fashioned stereo( I suppose) because it adds some eeriness to RiRi's voice. This my neighbour though, she opens her door to stare after you once she hears you getting out. And while her perfumes are lovely, I almost get drowned in them. I think she ought to be rewarded by the designers. The day she decides to practice her culinary skills, goodness gracious!

And then there is this guy. I will call him 'submarine'. Dude never shows up. He doesn't not as much as raise his blinders. You only see him in winter, at the garage. And then he gives you this big smile and chats you up like you guys are the best of friends. In 2 minutes he fills you in on what he's been up to. And no, he didn't travel anywhere, he's been there the whole time. I believe him cos I hear him shower every morning, singing on top of his lungs. Once I thought he got a new girlfriend as I noticed new flowers. But before I could say Jack Robinson, flowers died and so did my thoughts. He has the weirdest pets. You ask how I know. Well, from the garage. He's got a cat and a baby python. Yeah, the python. He feeds it living rats. Weird huh? Let me not get a crawly visitor some day. Pet or not, that thing is a python for goodness sake.

There's this other lady. You only meet her in the elevator with her two sons. She let's out this plastic smile. I nod in reply. Her boys stare right through you. Where I come from, a total stranger will stick his nose in your business and ask, "bia these boys, can't you greet?" Then go ahead and outrightly blame the mother for not training them 'well'. Yes, a total stranger. But this is not where I come from. So, yeah. And everytime we meet in the elevator she rubs their head the exact same way like she did the previous times. Or maybe I notice too much. Her husband seems different.  He makes little chit chats and even go as far as holding the door for you.

Then there is 'Mr Fine Boy'. He' s got a jaw-ring. Very nice. He keeps saying he'll visit to eat 'plantano fritte'. It's been more than 3 years , he says the same thing each time. I fry my plantain and enjoy it in peace. His girlfriend is cute. She brought me bananas the other day. But I saw him at the 'supermercato' the other day. He looked sad. I didn't ask why. Maybe he's got issues with his girlfriend, I haven't seen her in a while. I hope not. He's been quite unlucky with love. Such a nice guy.

This lady. Just got to know how fun and funny she could be. From 'buongiorno' to 'ciao' will leave you in stitches. She puffs away like she's  got chimney on her head. She says so herself. She tells you cigarette is the death of her but she won't stop. Addiction isn't a good thing. She loves flowers. She's got a whole lot of them. She is the 'palazzo' prefect. Whether self acclaimed or duly bestowed, I have no idea. We just do as she says. She'd probably give a hearty infectious laugh if I tell her I wrote about her and tells me how she would love to read that howbeit in italiano.

I will be back with more. Got interesting neighbours? Tell me about them.

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