Dear Parents,
'knowing just book' is no longer enough. Never has been, never will be. Or how else will the world strike a balance? If we all became doctors and lawyers, who is responsible for the clothes we wear? If we were all engineers or pharmacologist who entertains you and gets you grooving to that hot jam? Or who even makes that delicious 'ofe-akwu' you always salivate for?
'knowing just book' is no longer enough. Never has been, never will be. Or how else will the world strike a balance? If we all became doctors and lawyers, who is responsible for the clothes we wear? If we were all engineers or pharmacologist who entertains you and gets you grooving to that hot jam? Or who even makes that delicious 'ofe-akwu' you always salivate for?
Do not get me wrong. Academics/ 'knowing book' is good. Very good. If you think otherwise, go check out on social media all the posts made about our 'hot headed' Nigerians making us proud by having to make a choice on which ivy league school to accept. O the joy of recently reading online that Nigerians are in the league of nationalities to compete with academically. And they say we are fantastically corrupt? Being academically sound is such a joy. But it is not enough.
In a fast changing world, and in an economy like Nigeria, having your kid to only get academics with the end hope of acquiring a white collar job is dangerously short sighted. Come, take a short walk with me in my 'fore sightedness'.
While you encourage and push or nudge your child to be the best academically, also be observant enough to see what skill he's interested in or what talent he's got. The child might not even know it himself. That is why you are a parent. What you see sitting down, he doesn't see standing.
I have seen first hand, a young multi talented lady sit and pine away in an office job just because that was what her parents wanted. The joy they get in proudly announcing to friends, "Oh Amaka, she works in so-and-so company". She told me how they consistently tried to kill her talents and desire to acquire skills.
Please do not do that to your child. In my time, once we were on vacation, next thing was extramural classes. While that is very good, it's still isn't enough. Let's create alternatives for our upcoming young ones. Let it not only be about academics. And please do not rely on the schools for this. During the vacations, draw out a program; so that while they still do school works, they learn something new besides. Oh yes, their brains can take it all.
Enroll them in a sewing class, confectionery, sports or learning a musical instrument. The list is endless. Even if your child doesn't know what he likes yet, expose him to as many as possible, nudge him on, eventually he will come around.
A couple of these artists you nod your head to their music or get your ribs cracked watching their movies or comedies are very well educated. But how many feeds off that? Or gets to see God's beautiful world with that certificate? Come on, get wise. Properly equip your child for a future that will be far different from what you had.
Think about it. A lot of the skilled workers earn twice as much or more than what some white collar job folks make. And they are all University graduates o. 'And after you will come and say "grace isn't fair" '. Of course it isn't. That is why it sent me to 'tell' you this.
Let's get this right and learn from past errors. Schools are still and will continue to be highly relevant, let's just enlarge our coasts and widen their chances in life.
Ecclesiastic 11:6.
Ecclesiastic 11:6.
I so totally agree.
ReplyDeleteThanks girl!