Thursday, January 5, 2017

Environmental Christianity

Life is a journey
Most of the people I grew up with were born in Christian homes. As such, we were taught early about God (which I deeply appreciate).
Growing up in the kind of environment which I did, we were taught beyond that. We were taught, told, ordered and above all, psychological conditioned on how to be. Anyone who went againt these unwritten laws did not only face judgement from those around them; but were equally 'reconditioned' by his family back to his default settings.

Let me define this 'Environmental Christianity'. It is behaving some type of way because everyone around you does the same. You dress alike, speak the same 'language' and do the same kind of things. Anyone who does differently is seen as rebellious or "their eye don tear too much" or for this singular phrase I have not yet come to terms with, "kee we si". Environmental Christianity is when a child dresses differently in the school environment than he does at home. It is when a young man fills an empty water can with an alcoholic beverage and lies to his mum about it. The list goes on and on.

And then when those who, for some reasons best known to them, felt they have always known you better than you know yourself sees you doing any of such, they become judge and jury. They look at you like 'you really have fallen from grace'.

I once knew a lady. A very 'good' christian girl. You wouldn't even see a strand of her hair as she was always totally covered. And did she have a beautiful hair! She liked to pride herself as the real epitome of modesty. Me? I was lost beyond redemption. But I shrugged it off. Here's why. I learnt early to discover God by myself as well as never to be judgemental.

So, this my friend, the day I seem to dress in a way she approves, we get to be seen by people. The day I don't, she distances herself. It took me a while to realise. When I did, I still paid no mind. Why would I judge her? I wonder what she will do when she happens on me in the hot summer months. LOL.

So on this day I had on some nice pants, somewhat in a hurry when I heard my name from some corner. She was waiting for me. Needed some financial help. I asked her to follow me to a cash machine. Her reply stunned me. She wouldn't want to be seen walking with me with what I got on. Really?! Her fellow 'brethren' would query her. I literally went 'wow!'. You don't want to be seen walking with me but you want to meet a need with my help. Really??? There were other similar encounters. It was the reality I was surrounded by at the time. But here's the thing. Those things they judged me about, they now do; and even more. And the few times I got to see some again, I wear this smile and they never know why.

Those things you once stood against, are you still against them? Those things you once believed in, do you still believe in them? Have you grown soft or hard, or somewhere in between? Did you even have an inner conviction for them? Or were you just going with the flow?

The journey of self discovery is a long one. For some it happens faster, some others it doesn't. Sometimes, a life time. There are things you might be doing now you never thought you would or wouldn't do. Learn to cut people some slack. Do you still believe in the unconditional love of God?



  1. Panosgirl, where did you grow up?

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